Dear Students,

Greening Africa Together is a joint module of the Technical University Berlin with the African member universities and NGOs of the network Greening Africa Together, from Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroun, Democratic Republic of Congo, Germany, Kenya, Senegal, Spain, Togo and Uganda.

Master students from all partner universities work together in groups on service-learning projects to meet the specific needs of target populations in the areas of energy, waste and resource management, water conservation, food processing and organic agriculture using sustainable technologies and methods. [The module offers 8 ECTS and takes 2 semesters, see module description]

In Germany, the network Greening Africa Together is represented by the registered nonprofit association Alle Hand in Hand e.V., the official German partner of Greening Africa Together. In every country the network is represented by a local NGO and partner universities.

The module is starting this Winter Semester 21/22 with a hybrid Kick-Off meeting on Thursday 21.10.2021 at

12:15 Burkina Faso, Senegal, Togo,

13:15 Benin, Cameroon, Kinshasa,

14:15 Berlin, Barcelona, Santiago di C.,

3:15 pm Kenya, Uganda.


The mandatory requirements of the modules are:

  • Active participation in the Workshops on Thursdays (see semester plan).
  • Weekly international project team meetings
  • Participation in the project implementation in the project country (around 2 weeks)
  • Reports and partly public presentations
  • Active participation in fundraising

We are looking for motivated master’s students (exceptionally bachelor students), who are willing to share their knowledge and experience in an interdisciplinary service-learning project. The tasks include the planning and execution of the projects in international student teams under the guidance of the African partner NGOs to meet the specific needs of the target population with sustainable technologies and methods. A social business/start up approach will be used as a working method for the project teams.

The GATo CO2 compensation framework, which was launched in the African based GATo CCC Conference, will serve as a guideline but also will be further developed through the ongoing projects.

The applicants should be able to participate in the project implementation in the project countries for 14-20 days. (Food and accommodation are covered during the summer schools, students also have the option to apply for travel grants.)

The dates will be adapted according to the COVID-19 restrictions. In case of complete travel restrictions there will be alternatives offered.

If you are interested please fill out the online application form on our website until the 18.10.21. Please read the module description carefully prior to your application! The coordination team of each country will select their students among the applicants and those students will receive an e-mail with the details of the Kick-Off, where the final arrangement of the teams will be done after the introduction. Students of the following majors and expertise are especially encouraged to apply: renewable energies, energy engineering, forestry, organic agriculture, life-cycle assessment, carbon credits, ethnology, business, non-profit funding, etc.

Feel free to contact the local coordination team and the module coordination in case of any questions.

We are hoping to hear from you soon.

Best greetings,
Greening Africa Together/GATo Coordination team

Useful links:

Module description
Please fill the form to apply:



Benin Coordination

Burkina Faso Coordination

Cameroun Coordination

Democratic Republic of Congo Coordination

Kenya Coordination

Senegal Coordination

Togo Coordination

Uganda Coordination


are invited to join if:

  • They want to fight climate change and reduce their carbon footprint 


  • They want to allow their students to gain practical experiences


  • Allow the university to fulfill their third mission/ mission society and support communities or social projects


  • Work at the same eye-level and exchange best practices with the Network members


  • Support and award (credits, certificates,) the participation of their students in GATo activities


  • A responsible of the university or department will sign the agreement


  • A coordinator will assure the communication with GAto and the organization of the activities


Interested in joining our network? Please fill in this contact form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

12 + 14 =


are invited to join if:

  • They want to fight climate change and protect environment

  • Support green development and social equality


  • Aim to create sustainable positive change for people and nature across cultural, religious and social borders


  • Work at the same eye-level and exchange best practices with the Network members


  • Support actively and assure the sustainability of the projects executed together in the GATo Network


  • The NGO will sign the NGOs’s partner agreement


  • The NGO should name a coordinator, who’s responsible for the GATo activities

Interested in joining our network? Please fill in this contact form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

13 + 9 =


are invited to join if:

  • They want to fight climate change and reduce their carbon footprint 


  • Support green development and social equality 


  • aim to create sustainable positive change for people and nature across cultural, religious and social borders


  • Work at the same eye-level and exchange best practices with the Network members


Interested in joining our network? Please fill in this contact form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

11 + 7 =