About CO2 Compensation
The main aim of CO2 compensation schemes is to fight climate change and at the same time address the SDGs. However, GATo pauses the question-”why should African CO2 compensation projects require standards established from the Global North?”
Therefore, there is need for African based CO2 Compensation initiatives as opposed to depending on the Global North.
The development of standards, criteria and indicators to establish the Africa based Greening Africa Together CO2 compensation certification is needed. This will support and empower African universities and local NGOs to carry out sustainable, integrated climate protection and development projects with local communities and to finance them as compensation projects.
Online worldwide Principal venue Laikipia University, Kenya in parallel at universities in Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, DRCongo, Senegal, Togo and Uganda.
International sessions were held at a centered time frame 9 – 13 GMT (Senegal, Togo, Burkina Faso), 10.00 – 14.00 WAT (Kinshasa, Benin, Cameroon), 11.00 – 15.00 GMT+2 (Berlin, Barcelona, Santiago), 12pm – 4pm EAT (Kenya, Uganda)
The first Pan African CO2 Compensation Certification conference wants to:
- Establish Greening Africa Together CO2 Compensation Certification (GATo CCC)
- Fight climate change and address the SDGs through CO2 compensation schemes
- Develop Africa based standards for African CO2 compensation projects other than relying on standards developed from outside the continent
- Develop standards, criteria and indicators adapted to small scale projects
- Establish a suitable open-source software/hardware developed by African researchers
- Enable local communities and social institutions to monitor indicators for climate and SDGs
- Determine how the choice of the indicators influences project success
- Develop literature and research outputs by African researches to further fight climate change issues and SDGs
- Empower and support African universities, local and international student teams and local NGOs to carry out sustainable, integrated climate protection and development projects with local communities and to finance them as compensation projects
- Present and discuss the actual concept of GATo CO2 compensation certification
- Contribute to African based scientific research in the field of integrating climate and SDGs in compensation schemes.
- Interconnect universities, NGOs, communities, institutions and organisations.
- Foster young African researchers to share CO2 compensation vision.
- Give a clear perspective on the accreditation of GATo CCC.
- Launch the practical pilot implementation of GATo CO2 Compensation.
Principal venue Laikipia University, in parallel at GATo Network member universities in Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, DRCongo, Kenya, Senegal, Togo, Uganda online worldwide
23-25 June 2021 from Wednesday to Friday
English, French, (Contributions in African languages will be accepted especially for the posters.)
Paypal link for contributions :
Email for contributions: gatocccc@greeningafricatogether.org

GATo-CCCC climate and SDGs Projects Poster Exhibition and Competition
You can find the submitted posters HERE.
- On Friday 24 the winners of the project competition will be announced.
- The winning projects will serve as pilot projects for the Greening Africa Together CO2compensation certification.
- They will be awarded logistic and financial support for project implementation.
- The large public will be able to follow the community based monitoring and the validation visits of African academic partners of Greening Africa Together on the upcoming project dashboard on this website.
- The project selection will be according to criteria contained in the questions for submission.
- What is your field of action ?
- Who is your community partner, other actors ?
- How does your project contribute to SDG’s ?
- How sustainable is your project ?
- How do you contribute to reduce/avoid/stock green house emissions ?
- Why would you need to profit from CO2 compensation funding and quality assurance ?
GATo-CCCC Climate and SDGs Small Technologies Fair
Call for technologies/products for/from small scale projects for climate and sustainable development. They will demonstrate/expose/sell in the local parallel conferences and be presented on the online platform.
Submit a description of the technology or product (eg. solar cookers, improved stoves, PV home systems, products of forest protection or organic agriculture, up/recycled materials,….)
Apply to the national GATocoord email, see bottom of the website and copy to: gatocccc@greeningafricatogether.org
We are looking for a diversity of contributions, therefore we encourage especially contributions of women. The selection of the contributions will take into account a gender balance.
Greening Africa Together (GATo) is a network of African Universities and NGOs with the aim of bringing together universities and other partners to address climate change and sustainable development. It currently includes members of; Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Kenya, DR Congo, Senegal, Togo and Uganda. This network is linked together by New Humanity int.Org.’s African members and other member NGOs .
GATo is united by the aim to encourage, empower and enable African youth to fight climate change and provide perspectives in Africa together. This approach is led by the idea of Universal Fraternity and Service Learning. GATo supports an active cooperation between students and local communities from different cultures and nations. In the spirit of a united world, all our projects aim to create sustainable positive change for people and nature across cultural, religious and social borders.
It is a cooperation of training and research-development and application. As part of the network, student groups participating in the Greening Africa Together module, prepare socio-environmental projects, which are then carried out by students and local communities. This process includes collecting local development needs from the communities and social institutions, sharing competences between the actors and strengthening the capacities of the beneficiaries.
The joint module of the Greening Africa Together network has been organized by African universities and NGO’s, which includes; UAC, UNA, UATM (Benin), IRD, CIRDES, 2ie, (Burkina Faso), UD (Cameroon), UNIKIN (DR Congo), MUST, LU (Kenya), UCAD, UASZ, FI, (Senegal), UL (Togo), UMU, NDU (Uganda) in cooperation with the TU Berlin since 2016, integrating UPC and USC (Spain) since 2020.

Dr. Mohamed Izzedine Adjibade, Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar, Sénégal
Dr. Achilles Ahimbisibwe, Uganda Martyrs University, Uganda
Prof.Dr. Angeles López Agüera, Santiago de Compostela University, Spain
Edward Musa Anaque, Barefoot Women Solar Engineers Association, Sierra Leone
Dr. Dawud Ansari, Energy Access and Development Program, Germany
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elif Arici, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dietmar Auhl, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
Rachel Mado Awum Nkeing, University of Dschang, Cameroon
Dr. Amadou Badji, Forêt Internationale, Senegal
Prof. Assane Beye, University Cheikh Anta Diop, Senegal
Dr. Abel Biguezoton, CIRDES, Burkina Faso
Prof. B. Eustache Bokonon-Ganta, University of Parakou, Benin
Dr. Boubacar Camara, University Assane Seck of Ziguinchor, Senegal
Eveline Campaore, Institut de l’Environnement et de Recherche Agricoles, Burkina Faso
Dr. Dimitri Chincoun, National University of Agriculture, Benin
Anthony Davies, Ecosys Sierra Leone Limited, Sierra Leone
Pape Bilal Diakhaté, ISRA, Senegal
Dr. Joseph Saturnin Dieme, University Assane Seck of Ziguinchor, Senegal
Omar Dieme, Foret Internationale/ISE, Senegal
Sidy Bouya Diop, Forêt Internationale/Zero Waste, Senegal
Dr. Allé Dioum, University Cheikh Anta Diop, Senegal
Rodrigue Marcel Ateufack Dongmo, University of Dschang, Cameroon
Prof. Dr. Joseph Doussou, University of Abomey Calavi, Benin
Dr Mamadou Simina Drame, Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar, Senegal
Mr. Bienvenu Somda D’ela, Cirdes, Burkina Faso
Dr. Daniel Ayuk Mbi EGBE, Ansole, Germany
Dr. Valentina Falcioni, Eco One, Italy
Prof. François-Xavier Fifatin, University of Abomey Calavi, Benin
Prof. Dr. Hilaire Bertrand Fotsin, University of Dschang, Cameroon
Dr. Musinghi Cajo Francis, Ndejje University, Uganda
Eric Roland Gbodo, New Humanity, Benin
Fama Gueye, University Cheikh Anta Diop/WASCAL, Senegal
Dr. Frederick Kakembo, Ndejje University, Uganda
Prof. Nicholas Kamau, Laikipia University, Kenya
Prof. Jean-Marie Beya Kamba, UNIKIN, DR Congo
Dr. Francis Kangure, RTI International, Nairobi, Kenya
Dr. Augustin Babine Kanwe, Cirdes, Burkina Faso
Prof. Dr. Claudia Kemfert, Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, Germany
Prof. Joseph Kenfack, Université de Yaoundé I, Cameroon
Prof. Vick Khasandi, Laikipia University, Kenya
Dr. Veronica Kimoni, Laikipia University, Kenya
Dr. John Kingau, Laikipia University, Kenya
Silvia Kinyamu, Meru University of Technology and Science, Kenya
Prof. Dr. Steffi Knorn, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
Prof Diouma Kobor, University Assane Seck of Ziguinchor, Senegal
Prof. Yacouba Konate, 2ie/HEI/PPP, Burkina Faso
Clarisse Konate, New Humanity, Burkina Faso
Dr. Ing. Tchagna Aurelle Kouanou, University of Buea, Cameroon
Prof. Basile Kounouhewa, University of Abomey Calavi, Benin
Dr. Melhyas Kple, National University of Agriculture, Benin
Dr. Pere Losantos, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain
Prof Ibrahima Ly, University Cheikh Anta Diop, Senegal
Prof. Siaka Maliky Djamiyou, CEO Solariss-ING, Benin
Romanus Makokha, Laikipia University, Kenya
Dr. Eunice Nkatha Marete, Meru University of Technology and Science, Kenya
Arnaud Mbognou, Fara-Fara Tech., DR Congo
Mélinda Mendy, Forêt Internationale, Senegal
Stephanie Merle, UC Louvain Ingenieux Sud, Belgium
Dr. Kountchou Noube Michaux, Univeristy of Yaoundé, Cameroon
Prof. Dr. Dagmar Mithöfer, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany
Dr. Charles Otuke Moitui, Kisii University, Kenya
Dr. Robert Mwebi, Laikipia University, Kenya
Dr. Léonel Nanga-Me-Abengmoni, Higher Teachers Training College Yaoundé, Cameroon
Prof. Moustapha Ngaido, Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Senegal
Prof. Balla Diop Ngom, University Cheikh Anta Diop, Senegal
Dr. Arthur Ngoy, New Humanity
Prof. Lafitte Désiré Nguemegne, UATM/GASA Formation, Benin
Dr. Veronica Ngure, Laikipia University, Kenya
Prof. Dr. Awa Niang, University Cheikh Anta Diop, Senegal
Dr. Evangeline Njoka, Secretary General Kenya National Commission for UNESCO
Dr. Yawovi Nougblega, Université de Lomé, Togo
Dr. Iur Fred O. Nyagaka, Kisii University, Kenya
Dr. Rose Nyambura, Laikipia University, Kenya
Dr. Naftal Michira Nyang’ara, Laikipia University, Kenya
Simon Okello, NASSO, Uganda
Dr. Joel Ongoto, Laikipia University, Kenya
Dr. Samuel Onyuma, Laikipia University, Kenya
Dr. Florence Opondo, Laikipia University, Kenya
Dr. Salifou Ouedraogo, University Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso
Prof. Dr. Barbara Praetorius, HTW Berlin, Germany
Assétou Myriam Sarra, New Humanity, Burkina Faso
Jean-Bernard Sawadogo, New Humanity, Burkina Faso
Dr. Souleymane Sanago, Cirdes, Burkina Faso
Dr. Carl-Friedrich Schleußner, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Lilly Seidler, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
Valentine SILIADIN AGBO-PANZO, New Humanity/Association Vision Féminine au Togo/Association Gamessou au Benin
Dr. Rachel Sonkin, University of Dschang, Cameroon
Stefan Sorge, HTW Berlin, Germany
Prof. Kharouna Talla, University Cheikh Anta Diop, Senegal
Dr. André Rodrigues Tchamda, University of Dschang, Cameroon
Hervé Tchekote, Université de Dschang, Cameroon
Prof. Dr. Ing. Julius Kewir Tangka, University of Dschang, Cameroon
Alain Bertrand Temgoua, University of Kinshasa, DR Congo
Kouassigan Tovivo, Climate Analytics Togo, Togo
Eva Vendrell, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain
Dr. Lucy Wangechi Mureithi, Laikipia University, Kenya
Dr. Valentine Yapi-Gnaore, International Centre of Research and Development on Breeding in Sub-humid zone, CIRDES, Burkina Faso
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Felix Ziegler, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany


All African and international organizations including universities, NGOs, Business Corporations, SMEs, private and public sectors and professional associations interested to support or participate in this Pan-African CO2 Compensation Initiative can send their logos for publication. Any form of support towards the success of this initiative is highly welcome.