Your donation supports the local communities with (projects in the field of) Renewable energy, forest protection, reforestation, and waste management. The communities can have access to food, education, health, sustainable income, clean energy, and water.
Your donation contributes to projects in Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, DRC, Ghana, Kenya, Senegal, Togo, and Uganda for climate and people.
Account information:
The official donation account of Greening Africa Together is currently managed by the registered non-profit association Alle Hand in Hand e.V.
All donations are tax-deductible in Germany and in all countries that recognize German legislation for non-profit associations for tax deductible.
For those not having a European account, it will soon be possible to donate directly to the accounts of Greening Africa Together country representations.
Alle Hand in Hand e.V.
Pax Bank
IBAN: DE97 3706 0193 6006 1660 14
Verwendungszweck/Description :
Greening Africa Together – Project name – (optional) The specific purpose
Or you can scan directly the QR code with your online banking app