Compensate CO2


climate action






Valorization of agro-residues for biofuel production by Women Groups in Covè: reduction of green house gas effects

The activity of producing kluiklui from peanuts uses an enormous amount of energy from wood and whose impacts on our environment are no longer to be demonstrated. So, this project is to valorize agricultural wastes(peanut shells)through the production of briquettes which are the alternative energy source for kluiklui frying, locally available, affordable, and environmentally friend

Project Location:



Benin for 5 years has launched a dynamic of promotion and enhancement of local products. This position process of labeling local products in order to provide them with a geographical appellation of origin. Among these products is the vegetable oil Agonlimi (Peanut Oil) from Covè. Covè is one of the communes of the Zou department whose agriculture is mainly based on the production of peanuts and rice. The women of the locality, in the dynamics of adding value to the ground nut and rice produced, are mainly engaged in the transformation of ground into ground nut oil and Klui-klui (asaco-product) and paddy rice into parboiled rice. More than 65% of women in the region are involved in this activity, which makes heavy use of firewood. However, the process requires a high consumption of firewood. The energy requirement of the transformation process comes from 100%of the surrounding vegetation. This leads to increasing and galloping deforestation, as well as the emission of greenhouse gases.This causes a strong disappearance of forest species and the emission of a significant quantity of greenhouse gases. Thus, a serious threat to the survival of the ecosystem and to the population is looming on the horizon if nothing is done. They there for urge the development of alternative measures to contribute to the preservation of the environment and the women healthy. This situation worries the local authorities who are asking for the development of a sustainable solution. Infact, our project is born for the valorization of the agro-residues to alleviate this problem to attend of SDG’s1,2,7,8 and13 goals.That an objective is to valorize Agricultural Waste (peanut shells) through the production of briquettes which is alternative energy source for klui-klui frying, locally available,affordable and environmentally friendly.Thus,the agricultural residues(peanut shells and rice husks) available in the town offer an alternative for the production of briquettes for the supply of thermal energy to households and the Klui-klui and rice parboiling production units. In this context, the team of students of the biofuel project has recently followed a capacity building internship on the technique of manufacturing briquettes from peanut shells within the company Almighty Services Plus.
This internship of capacity building allowed us to have prototypes of ecological coal which are being tested. Currently, we are looking for the acquisition of briquette production equipment in order to set up a pilot briquette production unit that will serve more than 200 lui-klui production units in the Agonlin region.


  • Stockcarbonintrees
  • Reduce pollution and greenhousegases emission
  • Raisegroundwaterlevel
  • Useofgreenenergy
  • Increasebiodive


This project is a challenge of sustainable economic development and the achievement ofSDG7(Access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all). Indeed,it’s tightly in relation with SDG 1(end poverty); SDG 2(zero hunger) and SDG 8(economic growth and modest work).


Our main needs for this implementation project are tools for briquette production, such as a pyrolyser, a combustion kiln, a grinder, a mixer, a press and a dryer, the value of which is estimated at 12600*€. The space needed to accommodate the equipment is already available and is being provided by the local community in collaboration with ONGelfare.


Local and other Partner Universities

  • UniversityofAbomey-Calavi;(UAC)
  • UniversitatPolitecnicadeCatalunya;(UPC)
  • TechnischeUniversitätBerlin;(TU)


  • WelfareNGO

  • Educ’écoNGO

  • Solariss-IngNGO

  • GreeningAfricaTogether

Local Community

Student Team


Volunteers needed! There Are So Many Ways to Lend a Helping Hand, contact us!


Responsable Person 1:

Name: Prof.JosephDOSSOU

Description: Internship Student


Responsable Person 2:

Name: Prof.JosephDOSSOU

Description: Internship Student


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